Pendant Soly - Soly's pendant This post is dedicated to the aluminum pendant I made for a friend's birthday.
Strangely I also remembered to take pictures as they do the job.
Being the first time that I created something like that, I wanted to do before a prototype to see how the material reacts to prolonged contact with skin and sweat, as well as whether it gave rise to allergic reactions whatsoever.
Here are the first sketches of the prototype with the outline you.
EN: This post is about the aluminum pendant that I made for the birthday of a friend of mine.
Curiously I remebered to take pics of the job while it progressed.
Being the first time I was trying to make such a thing, I've done a prototype to see how it reacted in contact with sweat and skin, as well to see if it caused irrirations.
Here are shown the first drawings; on the right there's the first prototype, stil not completed.
Vengono eseguiti i fori con il trapano.
EN :The aluminium bar is drilled
Si taglia l'interno dei fori mediante un cacciavite e un piccolo martello.
EN :Then the letters are shaped with an old screwdriver and a hammer
After a long process of writing the file begins to be readable.
EN: After quite a long time of refining the whole thing with a file, you can see the letters Clearly.
the prototype is finished, ready to be worn.
Being only a proof satin finish remained.
EN: Here's the finished prototype, ready to be Carried. Being only a prototype, It Was left with a glazed finish.
pendant is the final, with the "Y" instead of "I", a diminutive being more correct.
As you can see is much more refined and polished, almost mirror (it totally mirror was not recommended because aluminum is easily scratched).
The "S" is enriched by the application of a zircon with a set of interlocking and sealing film.
The edges of the letters this time shall be rounded to the patient work of sandpaper. The only
polishing required two days of work.
EN: Here's the actual pendant, with a "Y" instead of "I", Because The Name Was Written in a diminutive.
As you can see, it's much more Refined - It Is Almost mirror polished (it is not really mirror polished aluminum can scratch Because Easily).
The "S" is adorned with a zircon, set in place with epoxy glue.
The letters are rounded off with sandpaper.
The polishing required two days of work.
Un'altra vista che permette di apprezzare la superficie lucidata.
EN :Another view to see the polishing.
Il ciondolo insieme alla sua scatola in legno.
EN :The pendant with its wooden box.
Il ciondolo e il prototipo insieme.
EN :The actual pendant (right) and the prototype (left).