PRIMORSKO interview .... NOVICE 2005
... me non piace l'insalata no 'i pomodori e neanche il Sapori part Miele anche Perche' son then e cresciuto a Milano .... gia 'la mia vita l'ho un Passat Mon to viziatello zones My father always traveling for work and my mother, a psychologist, working late into the evening co his patients ..... I studied, I played, I had a golden childhood that kids might have a few .... lots of toys for the holidays, many candies, many trips around the world .....
And when school was over for the holidays, I always wanted to come here by his maternal grandparents in Slovenia ..... and so'........
If I start talking about my life (meaning a true life, made of genuine values) begin with the year 1997, when I decided to come and live here in Slovenia, leaving that beautiful-ugly City 'in Milan.
My decision and 'took place in a short time because 'I was tired of the monotonous life, chaotic and disorganized that you can' offer a city 'as big as Milan. I chose to go by his grandmother and be there with you, cultivate new friendships, breathing clean air karst, find a new job ..... also 'cause I previously worked at a U.S. multinational ..... mica could not be without work!
Cosi 'and I decided I was with so many good intentions ..... After almost nine years of stay here I am ..... Slovenian to all intents and purposes, with a good job. I learned the language (ni pravilna !!!), but I got to know these people so 'different but at the same time so' special, good and rather serious ..... I learned to ''Deal''with the Slovenes, to understand them, to comply .... Today is a happy, relaxed with eyes that can see what mature 'around me.
I can find time to take a walk (that 'you did not hardly ever in town').... I can find time to cultivate my passion for vintage cars and my little, big Harley Davidson ..... I can also concentrate and relax, since 'Slovenia and' an emerald green jewel waiting to be discovered, and the people I meet who have the opportunity 'to know me through work, are always very different.
Ljubljana A person is not 'the same as one of Koper ..... Koper and an 'other than one of Murska Sobota ..... and so 'on.
That surprises me, nowadays, and still do not understand, and 'how ever there are people who hate the world .... I got to know people Serbian, Croatian and Albanian also .... Bhem! People who have a heart of gold and an intellect!
Why 'many despise because of ethnicity?
not feel like going on politically, but ...... you might think about seeing a person like me, who takes it and walks away from 'arrives in Slovenia and Italy, without knowing the language, culture, traditions, customs and can understand and respect ......
If I can change and have changed enough, even though I consider myself an Italian, European, 'cause I like others of my generation Possoni not change?
You, a friend who read these lines will seem 'strange, but I wanted to write my thoughts about this wonderful and sweet life that I spend on this earth made of perfumes, colors and people are so' special ... . from my neighbor last person I met yesterday .... there 's always a spell that binds these people .... ordinary people, who smile at you when there' to smile and hold you strong if a 'when there are sad things .....
Son lucky to be surrounded by people who love me and this' very important because many people who are friends today, yesterday they were ready to help me and helped me .... such as Vesna, Perina, Loredana, Rudi, Nada, Darko ...... but above all a person that I have never given up in my decisions, choices ...... my mom!
Who wants to see me or know me for who I am, can 'do it .... my house free and' open to all those Who wish to chat .... if not wait until I found 'you hear the''sound''of a Harley Davidson or the mutterings of an old timer ..... means I'm coming back ......
A. ... I forgot!
... I do not like the salad 'tomatoes, let alone the taste of honey .....
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