Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wording An Engagement


Izzy has Organized the Christmas swap, and my partner Was Goge , and here is what she created for me. Thanks to Both, Izzy for good Realisation, and Goge for nice hand-made things, well the nekles is my favorite. Thanks once more.

Izzy organized a wonderful Christmas show, and my partner was a dear Goge .
Thanks dear, Goga, necklaces are my weakness.
Izzy ha organizers Swap per il Santo Natale, ed era la mia abbinata Goge , cha ha creato veramente delle "delizie" dipinto are set, "un Stival" a mo 'di borsa che come and user ports lavoro, ed il mio "punto debole"
"le catenin di ogni forma, materiale etc.. Grazie di cuore.

Il mio tusal per il 21st di dicembre il piu corto giorno e tra le delizie per il Santo Natale, noci, mandorlati, fichi secchi, ed la ghirlada.
My Tusal for the winter solsticium, the shortest day, and really it was, beetwen the nuts.....
Tusal staklenka obzirom da kišu, kratak dan - 21. 12. najkraći dan među božićnim delicijama.

Candles have long been the symbol of guiding light in the midst of darkness. At Christmas, they represent the journeyMary and Joseph made when traveling to Bethlehem and how they sought a place to spend the night. Today a candle burning in the window of a home on Christmas Eve means that this is a home where visitors are welcome.


Candles have long been a sign that lit the way through tmicu. During the Christmas candles represent a symbolic journey of Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem, and they found a place where they will spend the night. Today candles above the window panes on Christmas Eve, with a welcome message to every visitor to such a home.
La luce del cero era per un lungo periodo durante la storia che il simbolo guidava nella nella notte. Per il periodo Natalizio, the light of the candles symbolizes the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, and how they found the cappanna to spend the night. Today
of the candles burning on the windowsills and give the Welcome to all guests of this warm home.


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