Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gay Cursing In Orlando

Decoupage. My first steps. My first steps. I miei passi received.

Decoupage on glass and decoupage shabby chic on wood are my first steps in this technique taught in the workshops that were held during the fest Hand made in Pula (October and December 2010 .). I chose to celebrate the theme of the lotus and the Christmas star, hence this post a bit about this zatajnom lotus flower, which is an endless source of inspiration to painters, architects, Cross Sticher, ceramics masters tattoos, perfume manufacturers, teas and drinks ...... and complement the story and many photos .... Thanks it masters fotografije.

Decoupage on glass and decoupage shabby chic on wood are my first step in this technique, and I have learned this first "steps" on the workshop which were held ond the Handmade Fest in Pula (October and December 2010.). My choose was the flower of lotus and Poissetia. Here is the post about this mistic flower lotus, which is the source of inspiration to painter, architect, crosstitchers, ceramics, tattoo, parfume maker, tea and drinks,......and the story is fullfilled with a lot of pic......thanks Internet .

Decoupage sotto vetro e shabby chic su legno sono i miei primi passi in questa technica conosciuta ed esperimentata Hand made in laboratories fest (Pula, October and December 2010.). My decision was the salvietina with the lotus flower, and the poinsettia. This post is about the lotus flower. The flower and an inexhaustible source of ideas for artists, architects, designers point schemes for Crocco, ceramics, perfumes, ointments, and tissane decoti, ...... ..... thanks arrichitto with pictures on the web.
among Eastern perfezionee expression of the lotus is the purity of the sun, sky, creation, past, present and future, or, in a single word of life itself and all the virtues to it, directly or indirectly related. Therefore it is considered a sacred flower, the flower of the gods. The Indian Buddhists are the seat of Buddha as an enlarged form of the lotus flower. In ancient Greece was the simbolodella beauty and eloquence. In Italy grows in temperate zones, in Mantua, on Lake Superior, is growing thanks to a young graduate inScienze course, that some 60 years ago, he decided to plant some specimens there. Today, the gift of the lotus flower is an act to declare the greatest admiration.

A flower very beautiful and full of meanings.
The Lotus is a perennial aquatic plant which originated in Asia. Nymphacee the family has roots that grow in the water cloudy.
He leaves circular, shield-shaped and the long stem that can reach two feet in diameter and open sulla'acqua.

The Lotus has several meanings: for Eastern spirituality, symbol of purity and a symbol of harmony cosmica.Il Lotus is considered sacred, and also represents Brahmanism Nirvana.Nel imagined that the creatures divine were born from lotus flowers. In Buddhism, the lotus flower is a symbol of "extreme disregard for themselves and dedication to others", which is fundamental in the teachings of Shakyamuni

mythical plant that gave it the oblivion to those who ate the lotus or Egyptian white lotus of Egypt (Nymphaea lotus) was a sacred water plant with large white or pink flowers of the genera Nymphaea and Nelumbo, and widespread in warm regions temperate. In the representations we are shown the 'act of smelling a flower, whose fragrance and' one of his spiritual essence, similar to the 'odor of sanctity "of Christian doctrine.

The lotus' was a recurring element in the Egyptian symbology. The four sons of Heru (Horus) are represented as emerging from a lotus flower. Even Nefertum, son of Ptah, the Creative Fire, comes from this flower. This type of flower we find it often in architecture, nelle pitture tombali, o come motivo decorativo su piccoli oggetti. Nelle scene in cui sono rappresentati banchetti nelle tombe si vede che boccioli di loto venivano offerti agli ospiti, i quali li attaccavano al cerchietto che guarniva la loro fronte.

The lotus flower appeared in legends originating from ancient Egypt. It played an important part in ancient Egyptian religion. The pure white lotus flower, the only plant to fruit and flower simultaneously, emerges from the depths of the muddy swamp. Growing from the mud at the bottom of ponds and streams, the exquisite Lotus flower rises above the water and is usually white or pink with 15 or more oval, spreading petals, and a peculiar, flat seedcase at its center.

Sesen A Lotus Flower. This is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. Because at night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again. According to one creation myth it was a giant lotus which first rose out of the watery chaos at the beginning of time. From this giant lotus the sun itself rose on the first day. A symbol of Upper Egypt .The lotus flower played a prominent role in the version of the creation story that originated in Heliopolis. Before the universe came into being, there was an infinite ocean of inert water which constituted the primeval being named Nun. Out of Nun emerged a lotus flower, together with a single mound of dry land. The lotus blossoms opened, and out stepped the self-created sun god, Atum, as a child. A slightly different version of the creation story originated in Hermopolis. In that version, the sun god who formed himself from the chaos of Nun emerged from the lotus petals as Ra. The lotus is a flower which opens and closes each day. His history went on to say that the petals of the lotus blossom enfolded him when he returned to it each night.

The lotus flower has been featured extensively throughout the art of ancient Egypt. In various works of art, you may see it held in the hand of a god or human, serving as a border to outline a section of the artwork, unfolding to reveal various gods or humans, and many other depictions. The ancient Egyptians from the 4th dynasty greatly valued the sacred lotus, in religious ceremonies and funerals.

The ancient Egyptians developed the art of counting to a high degree, but their system of numeration was very crude. For example, the number 1,000 was symbolized by a picture of a lotus flower, and the number 2,000 was symbolized by a picture of two lotus flowers growing out of a bush.

Lotuses are 5 species of water lilies, three in the genus Nymphaea and two in Nelumbo; both genera are members of the water-lily family, Nymphaea lotus, the Egyptian white lotus, is believed to be the original sacred lotus of ancient Egypt.
It and the Egyptian blue lotus, N. caerulea, were often pictured in ancient Egyptian art. The common Egyptian "lotus" is actually correctly called a water lily: the white lotus opens at dusk, the blue water lilly opens in the morning.
The white lotus is a shallow-water, night-blooming plant with a creeping rootstock (rhizome) that sends up long-stalked, nearly circular, dark green leathery leaves, which float on the surface. The flowers, up to 25 cm (10 in) across, remain open until midday. The blue lotus is a smaller, less showy day-blooming plant.

The Lotus flower has for thousands of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. Indeed, this flower essence's purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system.
The blue lotus was native to the Nile and used to be abundant. Its narrow, pointed petals and round, spotted leaves appear as the more common lotus in every conceivable opportunity for Egyptian artistic imagery. Often the leaf spots are not shown, or even the leaf.
The white lotus' rounded petals appear with round, scalloped edge leaves. The red lotus was introduced to Egypt from Persia in later dynasties.

Mystic water the flower - lotus
fragrance is delicate, but feminine, powdery, and memorable, certainly the smell of lilies. He is also known under the name lotus, nature and occurs most commonly in three colors - white, pink and blue. What is very interesting is that the lotus is one of the rare flowers that grow in water, often swampy world. While its roots are deep in mud, long stems progressing towards the light, and wide green leaves and large flowers thrive at the water's surface.

This water-flower appearance and size of its flowers is the most similar lilypad . Among other plants, similar to the bushes and trees rather than flowers, which are most likely attributable to the network of roots and stem with branches. Interestingly, the lotus flower opens during the day, until the night closes and sinks into the water. The flowers can grow to a diameter of 20 cm, the huge green leaves of up to 60 cm in diameter. The plant itself has a thick stem, and can grow to 5 feet in width.

this beautiful flower colors ranging in the range of pastel colors: snow-white, yellow, pink, jarkoljubičasta, and even blue. The flower develops from the seed, and the age of the oldest discovered seeds is about 1300 years! There are two main types of water lilies, which are: - Nelumbo nucifera - blue or Indian lotus, also known as the sacred flower of Hinduism and Buddhism. It is also revered as the national flower of India and Vietnam, where from its roots and seeds prepared dishes of Asian cuisine. This species of lotus stems even from ancient Egypt, where they ate a high-class members, and drawings depicting this flower are the old walls and pillars. Once grew naturally in the vastness of Asia, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, but today it is mostly grown in artificial water gardens in Asia and Australia;

- Nelumbo lutea - American lotus, which is widespread thanks to American Indians who used it as a food source. Today, one can find in the U.S., in srednjeameričkim countries (Mexico, Honduras), and the Caribbean. The traditional color is white or pale yellow, but the crossing with Indian lotus received a number of other shades.

Lotus Temple New Delhi, India

tattoo. Tattuaggio. Tatto0u.
Cross stitch

in Pula at the end of the year held two celebrations Handmade, one in October and another in December, the week before Christmas. As a rule, and held workshops on exhibits, including the workshops and decoupage techniques. In October I attended the technique shaby chic, and in December craquele on glass. Selected topics are the flowers. This work of the lotus on the box for the first time was ok, a little messed up around metal parts, usually the clips removed, the proverb says that the first kittens thrown into the water, I will for sure, but I will correct these mistakes in the creation of new ideas.

In Pula, evry October and December in the week before Christmas is holding a Handmade fest, and the last year, I partecipate on the decoupage workshop, exactly shabby chic and craquelle on the glass. The woodden box in shabby chic is not bad, the next time will be better, for example take of the metal parts, so it will be finest, I'll take care about this in the next time. And now about the flower on my box.

in Pula per month of October and December , exactly a week before Christmas, and Hand Made trade fair, where you can 'take part in many workshops, I last year I attended the workshop decoupage, precisely the shabby chic - with the lotus flower theme (October), and the craquelle on glass - the poinsettia.

Lotus Temple, Delhi
House of Worship
Architectural style Expressionist
Structural system Concrete frame & precast concrete ribbed roof
Location New Delhi, India
Completed 1986 Architect Fariborz Sahba

Structural engineer Flint & Neill
The Bahá'í House of Worship in Delhi, India, popularly known as the Lotus Temple due to its flowerlike shape, is a Bahá'í House of Worship and also a prominent attraction in Delhi, India (all retell it in free form)


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