Thursday, September 14, 2006

Laundry Audit Checklist


Come ogni anno, con il mese di Settembre, ci si organizza e si va in Carinzia sul Lago Faaker ( Faaker See per l'appunto) e si contano le migliaia di Harley Davidson venute da tutta l'Europa.
Quest'anno ho visto molti Chapter venuti anche da posti veramente lontani e, a parte una targa canadese, ho potuto contare la Spagna, la Francia,l'Italia naturalmente, Germany, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, the various local chapters that is' Austria, some Poles, Finns and Norwegians as well as a host of English encountered near Velden.

In 2006 I chose this' last resort 'for several nights and I must say, I found myself better than previous years although it is not' fair to say it that way.
The past years have all been wonderful, each with a beautiful memory of a party that has its romantic side dishes, food and music, though at the same time there is' a common denominator that Harley and Harley ......

Velden and 'more' refined, with excellent local hotels and really beautiful excellent people, friendly as well as' very-very helpful!
The days were beautiful, warm sunny september day, clean air, a lake, the Wörthersee colors of turquoise / blue / blue ......
Something that can not be 'let alone capture descivere and even in a simple photograph .....

I hope that more and more 'possan people visit these places, even without the Harley Davidson ..... although, as I always say ...... you have to try ..... A salute to Chapter
Milan to Monza and in particular, as well as a special thank you to HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORBIKE KLEMENČIČ, ANNEMARIE of GASTHAUS who hosted us and to all those whom I had the good fortune to meet.

Vegas De Laroja


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