Monday, September 11, 2006

Time For Texas Muffins

11 September 2006: New York

..... ...... what about this day that began with the sun and breezy with a September that is about to .... feel ready to go to work, shaving and showering in the morning, drink a coffee 'calmly reading the newspaper, enjoy the first rays of sun that your skin bacian ..... a slight shiver of cold / hot ...... turn on the server and see the e-mails .....
And a memory emerges ..... September 11th five years ago ........ when on a day that began with the sun and breezy morning, There were almost 3,000 people with dreams, with the projects, with their families .... with young ......

Never to forget what 'the world (unarmed) could follow, he could have cried, could not understand during that long week of September ......
That terrible tragedy.
Something that even in the scripts of Hollywood movies could be written .... for the exaggeration, the rush, the inability 'to believe that something like this could be the result of the mind (sick) of a human being .....
So many things change in five years .... but some memories are indelible, like tears, do not end up in the archives ..... and live together with our existence, making us that bitter taste in mouth the fruit of hatred and injustice.

Each of us, watching''The American Flag''could make a lot of thoughts on freedom'..... but definitely looking at the stars and stripes flag, we remember / remind 'unjustified victims of a world that, five years is not' changed.
Hatred exists.
There will be an 'if ever ...... in the eyes of our children are not inculcated with the values \u200b\u200bof justice and fairness', but also tolerance of cohabitation ......
is fighting for some ideal ........ It dies because without a

September 11, 2001: 2749 dreams, desires, ideas, hands that greet you, you smiling mouths, voices that speak to you, looks you appoggiano Ground Zero, sugli Stati Uniti d'America, sul Mondo intero.

Per non dimenticare.

11 Settembre 2006
Vegas De Laroja


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