Award. Premio.
first Why did you create a blog?.
first Whay I have opened the blog?
first Perche ho creato il blog?
for meeting interesting person all over the world
interesant per conoscere persone di tutto il mondo.
to show my creativity works
show my handmade crafts
divider creazioni tramite le mie tutorials.
third My favorite cream.
4th My cosmetics for the discrete make-up.
Variation on the theme + my mothers "boutique", since she was able to sew.
Variations on a theme + creations from mum's "boutique" while it is still gray.
Cartamodelli + creazioni di mia cara mamma affinche cuciva.
Warm autumn colors.
Calda Colori d'Autunno.
Nice and warm autumn colors.
7th Parfums.
8th The movies.
Norvay. The Sognefjord , the man has a brain and the hand, can create, but here the nature overpassed the man and even herself.
Norvay, the Sognefjord, the man has the hands and mind to create and create, but Priroda je ovdje nadmašila čovjeka the samu sebe. Ovdje čovjek Zaist "plov" malen ispod Zvijezda (AB Šimiću press).
Norway, the Sognefjord . The man's hands and head for creaare, but here nature has passed and the man himself. Here the little man will sail under the stars.
Norvay. The Sognefjord , the man has a brain and the hand, can create, but here the nature overpassed the man and even herself.
Norvay, the Sognefjord, the man has the hands and mind to create and create, but Priroda je ovdje nadmašila čovjeka the samu sebe. Ovdje čovjek Zaist "plov" malen ispod Zvijezda (AB Šimiću press).
Norway, the Sognefjord . The man's hands and head for creaare, but here nature has passed and the man himself. Here the little man will sail under the stars.
And Forward this award to all who visit my blog bloger gentle, and not left the comment, to Those who are making a nice picture, to Whom are Them restauaiting the furniture, to the "sewing" artist, quilters , painters, cross stitcher, the ladies who are Involved in ceramics, jewels, knitting, crochetting, filzing, graphics, scrapping, and really all ladies Which are passing by and find themsleves even in only one little part of my blog and it's posts. Be free to download this award, and left the comment so I can come and look your blog. Thanks.
forward this award to all the dear blogger to visit me and that I've gone, those that deal with photography, which made a beautiful decoupage showcase, one that restored furniture in beautiful uniques, hardworking seamstress, pletilje, embroiderers, those isheklaju beautiful backgrounds, those whose hands knead and making beautiful unique ceramic works, jewelry, earrings, beads, necklaces Filz, graphic artist, and all those who go and visit moj iu bilo kojem postu nađu prepoznaju Barem god i sebe i svoje kreativnost. Ucina sretnom me, preuzmite nagradu, prevented or poruku tome, from the vas Mogu posjetiti precluded poruku. Hvala.
Send this award to all the loved ones who pass and blogging and not leave a comment in my blog called virtual house, those who engage in photography, decoupage, crochet, knitting, scraping, restoration of furniture, naughty seamstresses, jewelry, ceramics
, and those who are not even recognize in a blog post on the Piccollo Detail of Villa Lorena. Ornate your blog with this award, leave a comment, so true to see you and leave a comment. Grazie.
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