Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sims 3 How To Get Rid Of Curfew

Tutorial - cross stitch and quilting

I like to take a part in the interesting swap, and this one was so, and Argante have a nice idea. Thanks dear., But the Partecipanti also have original ideas to fillfull the yellow envelope.
glad to participate in such exchanges, especially if they are well organized, is an original idea. Thanks Argante .
Mi piacciono and swap organizat bene ed con delle idee Brilant. Argie di questo e 'stato verramente speciale. Grazie cara
My yellow envelope arrived at their destination, dear Stefania , so I can show my swap and also tutorija.
La mia busta Gialla e 'alla arrivata destinazione, Percy poso 'tramite il tutorial Mostrar il contenuto.
My yellow envelope arrived to the destination, so I can show what was in.
Subject swap was tea, make something on this subject, get something, find an old tin of tea, and add some finely according to their own idea. I once received a gift (including swap) finogf piece of material depicting antique teapot, everywhere you better, how dimenizije were not so good, I decided to slightly increase and so moved. Tea
The swap was very interesting, and in my stash I have find a piece of linen with teapots motive, not so big, but the idea for Enlarging comes to me verry quickly, and here is the tutorial. Cara
Argi conceived and organized a very good swap. In my trunk I found a piece of linen with Stamap of teapots, and the idea is not late 'to arrive.
Before I set up cross-stitch on aida two cups blue, and attacked a party. First
to make two cross stitch on aida linen tea pots.
Prvo sam križnim bodom izradila Dvija willow na svijetloj plavoj aidi.

Mjerenje. Measuring. Measure.

Na način institutional Gornja i Donja strange wings jednostavno samo roza aida.
In the Same Way, top and down, But Now The Rose Aida line.n
Likewise, ed di sopra di sotto, Aida Rosa.

Looking for the finish, but not the band; decidere per la rifinitura, pero no la passamaneria;, the decision to end with a hair ribbon, but does not end with hair band. but the decision was not the step bar.

I turned the work and simply turned over pink Aid and proštepala.
Sempčicemente ho capovolto ed il lavoro con la rosa aida ho il Fato Borod.
Simply turned the work and finished fith The Rose Aida.

nicer for the Cutting Edge.

Readdy for sewing. Pronto per cucire. Readily sewing.

white hair band just to the left and right sides.
The only white band on the left and right part.
Passamaneria bianca solo alla parte destra sinistra ed.

And the quilted table runner is ready, enriched with the 4 tea spoons, and cotton floss from Unitas Zagreb for cross stitch, and vanilla tea cakes, a tin with jasmine tea, and lavender sacket.
Tablecloth - still in the quilt is finished, I added a tin of tea, vanilla tea biscuits, štrenice Ljubica Unitas Zagreb end, and inevitably with a lavender sachet, Stefania has published on his blog that loves lavender, but it lives on northern Italy, so unless trade in the garden is gone.
Il table runner in Quil stille e 'pronto, ho aggiunto 4 cuchianini trovatti all mecatino delle Pulci, dolci al tea alla Vanilia, matassine per il punto Crocco, ed il jasmine tea, come pure un po di lavanda nell ssacchettino LAVORATORI ad uncineto .


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