Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ap Fingerprint Lab Answers

One World One Heart. One world one heart. Un mondo un cuore

The winer is Micki from Irish Muses .
Hello dear bloogers all over the world, I'm Loredana and be welcome in my virtual home. I'm glad to have you here, in a so great number, be free to walk up and down through my posts. Admire my works in sewing, knitting, cross stitching and crochet and others. I'm sure you will find something in what you are also interesting in, so we can exchange the experience, patterns, suggestions or simply give a nice comment. Take a time, on my blog the time is not money, but the time is just to take relax, reading, learning and more, and my DOOR PRIZE iz hidden in a lot of this pic in the posts all over the blog. Don't worry, it will appear soon, so don't hesitate to left a comment. Thanks on the evry comment, reading them make me happy. Sincerelly, Loredana. and

is the scent of lavanda in the crochet sackett, and a stash of........

+ a chocolate hearts in the heart.

Enyoed in reading my blog and left a comment, maybe you'll be a winner.

Left the comment since the 17th of February, and the winner will be named on the
18th on this post, and adviced by email, or in a comment directly on the blog post
Dear friends, visit the blog and entert the game, you have still time, it is open since the 12th of February.


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