Thursday, February 10, 2011

Football Helmet Own Design

Valentine's Day and giveaway. Un giveaway per il San Valentino. Saint Valentine giveaway.

21 little numbered papers hiden the number from 1 to 21.
This time, no names, but numbers from 1 to 21, many wander the comments.
Ovaj put bez imeni, numerirani Listica samo od 1 do 21.

15 = Tina =
Valentino is a real opportunity for a new giveaway . Your only task is to download the last photo with this post, a link to your blog (commercials never enough), and leave the post of učienjenom. The winner will be chosen by the principle of one single name from the ballot and to a glass bowl. But the last picture, a walk and read this post, all the better if your Valentine next to you or near you.

Valentine's Day in just the right day for the new giveaway on my blog. Your only "work" is to post a link on your blog (use the last pic of this post) Make a left link and a comment.

La festa di San Valentino e il giorno giusto per un nuovo giveaway. Il vostro unico compito e 'di fare un link sul vostro blog (vedi ultima foto) di questo post ed lasciare un commento in questo post.

One day, Saint Valentine heard svanjske by his garden, two lovers as they fight. They decided to go to meet, while holding a beautiful red rose. Presented a rose young bride, with a request to reconcile, so squeezed together rose, taking care not to bite, and to pray that God would maintain their eternal love.

Valentine Treasures
Valentine treasures are people who
have often crossed your mind,family, friends and others, too,
who in your life have shined
the warmth of love or a spark of light
that makes you remember them;
no matter how long since you’ve actually met,
each one is a luminous gem,
who gleams and glows in your memory,
bringing special pleasures,
and that’s why this Valentine comes to you:

You’re one of those sparkling treasures!
By Joanna Fuchs

San Valentino viene ricordato come il protettore degli innamorati. A lui sono legate molte leggende che raccontano delle sue gesta. Ecco di seguito quelle più famose.

Sveti Valentin se slavi kao svetac zaljubljenih. Spominju ga brojne legende u kojima suj opisana njegova djela.

Saint Valentin is remembered as the patron of the lovers. He is conected with a lot of legends which toll us about his nice works.

The legend tell us the story of the young roman centurion, named Sabino, whom fall in love with the nice Serapia. Sabino went to her house to ask for her hand, but aime, he was pagan, and her family catolics. Serapia suggested to Sabino to go to the bishop Valentino and to repair this bad step. Sabino accepted what the Valentino wants, to baptise him, and during the preparing this ceremony, Serapia the nice fall down very ill, and the bishop Valentino Was Called near her bed, join in the matrimony Them, and During the ceremony they fall in love forever.

Legend of Love Sublime
This legend tells of a young Roman centurion named Sabina, walking through a square in Terni, he saw a beautiful girl named Serapia and fell in love follemente.Sabino asked the parents of Serapia to marry her, but received a curt refusal: Sabino was charged Serapia while the family was Christian. To overcome this obstacle, the beautiful Serapia suggested to his beloved to go to their Bishop Valentine to approach the religion of his family and be baptized, which he made in the name of his love. Unfortunately, just as they were preparing celebrations for the baptism of Sabino (and for the next wedding), Serap fell ill with tuberculosis. Valentine was called to the bedside of the dying girl now. Sabino Valentino pleaded not to be separated from his beloved, life without her was just a long suffering. Valentino named the teenager, and joined the two in marriage and as he raised his hands up for the blessing, a blissful sleep wrapped those two hearts for eternity.


by Desanka Maksimović

Ne, nemoj me price
Hoću izdaleka
that I love and I want your two eyes.
Because happiness is a beau just while waiting,
when only a hint of that.
No, do not approach me
has more charm
sweet apprehension, waiting and back.
Everything is much nicer donde while searching,
which is only known only by foreboding.
No, do not approach me when it is and what?
afar only all star who shines;
far only admire all.
No, let me not come close your eyes ...

The Kiss by Klimt
This legend tells the immortal love of a young Roman centurion Sabina who was walking by one of the many squares of Ternija, saw a beautiful girl named Serapio and fell in love with her. Sabino has asked her hand to her married, but the answer was negative. Sabino was a Gentile, while her family was Christian faith. To overcome this obstacle, nice Serapio advised to leave their beloved in their buskupa to be closer to her faith, family, and Sabino is priihvatio rite of baptism in the name of his love for beautiful Serapio. Unfortunately, during the preparation of rites of baptism (and future wedding) Serapio of contracting tuberculosis, Valentino is invited by the bed nice Serapio, but on her deathbed. Valentina Sabino prayed, until it is not separated from it, because life without her will be just one long suffering. Valentin krstio je to u zatim ujedinio bračnu zajednicu Mladi par, the je kad u dignuo zrak ruke za Mladi molitvu blaženi par je je san u vječnosti ujedinio par.

Sabino and Serapia

One day he heard Valentine go beyond his garden, the two young lovers who were arguing. He decided to meet them carrying a beautiful rose. Gave the rose to an engaged couple and asked them to be reconciled with the tightening of the rose stem, being careful not to prick and praying that the Lord maintained their love alive forever.

Some time after the young couple returned to him to invoke the blessing of their matrimonio.La story spread and people began to go on pilgrimage to the bishop of Terni on 14 of every 14 of each month mese.Il became so dedicated to the blessings of the day, but the date has been restricted the month of February because that day, 273 Valentine died.

Jednog dana Sveti Valentin cuo je svog VRTA svanjske strange, if dvoje zaljubljenih kako svađaju. Odlučio im je u Poci susret, držeći u jednu ruci prekrasnu crvenu ružu. Poklon ružu mladim zaručnicima je, uz to molbu if pomire, tako from Zajedno stisnu ružu, pazeći ubodu from it, if the amount by kako If God gave them eternal love.

After a while the young couple returned to him to ask the blessing of their marriage. The legend has spread among the population, beginning with visits to the bishop of Terni every 14th of the month.
So every month at 14 were eligible for the blessings, but to date confined only to 14 February, because it is the 273rd day Saint Valentine died

One day Saint Valentin heard quorelling between the young lovers. He goes towards them and gave them a rose, with the wish that they have to recenciled, and to take the rose in their hands taking care not to heart their hands. After a while the young back as a couple, and wish the blessing of Their matrimony.

After That, the legend is to spread Among the people in the town of Terni, and the pilgrimage started, first evry 14th of the month, and only after on the 14th of Febrary the 273, the day of the Saint Valentine's death.

The Chocolate Chocolate contains phenylethylamine

, the substance that the brain produces when we fall in love. This substance also has the power to hear a general well-being to our body.

Čokolada sadrži phenylethylamine, sastojak proizvodi koji kada mozak if zaljubimo. OSIM sastojak Ovaj ima toga from the snagu osjetimo opće blagostanje i smirenje našeg organizma.

The choccolate has feniletilamin, ingredient which is produced by the brain when we fall in love. THis ingredient has a force for filling the full welfare and the calm in all our body.

Giveaway is open till the 14.02.2011. midnight. The winner will be anounced on 15. under this post.


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